Re: Overlapping rights ?

From: (A. Ott)
Subject: Re: Overlapping rights ?
Date: 14 Oct 1999 13:51:00 +0200

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********* ***************** ********** ****  *****   ***** ************
  To subject Overlapping rights ? (Luc Stepniewski)  wrote:
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> I'm discovering RSBAC, so my knowledge level about RSBAC is really low :-)
> I've looked at the example scripts in the admin tarball (are there other
> usage examples available anywhere ?, I learn much faster with examples,
> but with RSBAC, they are really rare :-).

I know. :(

> About the example, I'd like to ask some questions:
> When applying the script, a default user is restricted from writing outside
> /home (which is normal), but another user, like root is restricted from
> accessing in the /home directory.
> Another problem is that normal users can't anymore write in /tmp. How can I
> allow normal users read/write access in /home AND /tmp. Making /tmp  a
> 'Home area type' is not a solution, as it prevents root (and other System
> admin, Role Admin) from accessing it :-(
> How can I do this ?

If you want user write access to /tmp, setup another FD type 'tmp', give  
all roles read-write access to this type and set /tmp and /var/tmp to this  
type. Unfortunately, some programs have /tmp compiled in.

The admin menues use the TMPDIR environment variable, if set, and /tmp  
otherwise. If you add a line
export TMPDIR=~
to your /etc/profile, the menues will use the user's home dir.  
Alternatively, create a /home/tmp dir.

If you want root to still access /home, e.g. to create new users, give  
role 'System Admin' appropiate rights to FD type Homearea. You might  
consider to restrict those rights to those that are really needed, like  
CREATE, SEARCH, MODIFY_PERMISSIONS_DATA, etc. My main point was not  
letting root read or even change any private user data, so denying all  
OPEN_* requests might be enough. You might find it easier to use the ACL  
model, when groups are implemented.

When you are finished, I'd be pleased, if you could post a summary, maybe  
even an updated example script, to this list.

> Ps: Is there an archive of the mailing list ?

Sorry, only in my mail system. I meant to configure one, but didn't take  
the time for learning how to do it. Anybody knowing?


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