Re: RC separation of duty

From: (A. Ott)
Subject: Re: RC separation of duty
Date: 30 Oct 1999 14:10:00 +0200

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********* ***************** ********** ****  *****   ***** ************
  To subject Re: RC separation of duty (Paul D. Robertson)  wrote:
********** ******************** ******  ********  ******* *************

> I'm in the process of building some HTTP proxy servers for WAN access.
> Being the paranoid type, I don't want unfettered WAN access to my main
> corporate site from distant locations.  Our infrastructure is such that
> the people who should manage the machines don't have a great deal of
> experience outside of Win*.  Rather than taking calls and doing routine
> things like adding new support admins I'll be able to delegate the
> administration tasks, and now even delegation itself as time goes on and the
> lower layers of support gain more clue.  Phase II of this project just
> instantly gained "add RSBAC" to its feature list.  Actually for the
> corporate side proxies it may squeak into Phase I.

So you will probably be the first one to use the separation of duty  
features. I'd like to get lots of ideas for improvement, practical  
experiences, etc.

The whole concept just evolved in my head to be something that might work,  
but I am not yet sure about all the consequences.


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