1.0.8-pre4 for 2.2.2

From: ao@morpork.shnet.org (A. Ott)
Subject: 1.0.8-pre4 for 2.2.2
Date: 01 Mar 1999 17:39:00 +0100

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Hi RSBAC folks!

This morning I uploaded 1.0.8-pre4 for 2.2.2, which is mostly the port to  
2.2.2 and a few non-critical fixes. This one should really be the last,  
unless somebody tells me to wait for 2.2.3 and port it there before  
releasing. I read about some non-i386 troubles with 2.2.2.


BTW.: Don't forget your success or failure/bug reports, please... ;)

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