MAC spokes(wo)man?

From: (A. Ott)
Subject: MAC spokes(wo)man?
Date: 17 Dec 1999 11:06:00 +0100

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Hi all!

As use of MAC / Bell-LaPadula model seems to be a bit fuzzy, I am seeking  
for someone with MAC experience who is willing to
- answer questions about MAC use, RSBAC and general
- bundle and maintain a simple FAQ
- make proposals about changes
- maybe send patches

As stated before, I am not using MAC model myself. For many months all MAC  
changes have only been made on user requests. So, again to all of you: if  
you want anything changed, make a proposal to the list. If you are too shy  
for the list, at least send them to me.

Easy to do or specially nice changes are quite likely to happen soon...


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