
From: Amon Ott <ao@rsbac.org>
Subject: 1.1.0-pre1
Date: Fri, 10 Nov 2000 15:44:24 +0100

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Yes, I did it. :)

1.1.0-pre1 quickly followed 1.0.9c-pre4, and there will be no 1.0.9c-final. The
next release will be 1.1.0.

Changes against 1.0.9c-pre4:
- Full RC logging of denied administration calls (like ACL already had)

- Fixed an ACL syscall bug with tlists (2.4 series only)

- Admin tool rc_set_item (and rsbac_rc_type_menu) can now copy all role rights
to one type for another type (switch -c). Ever had to split a dir tree with one
type into two types and hated to adjust all roles? I did it...
Note: This works on user level - you need sufficient rights to do all the
settings. However, if you don't have the rights for some roles, the tool will
still adjust all other ones.

- rc_set_item can now also make a full cleanup for a type by removing all rights
any role has to it (switch -d). This has also been included into
rsbac_rc_type_menu item 'delete type' (used to be 'drop type').
Note: Like copying, this is userland with similar restrictions.

Please switch over from 1.0.9c-pre4 to this version, test it and tell me what

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