Re: praise and install issues of rsbac

From: tech-guy <>
Subject: Re: praise and install issues of rsbac
Date: Fri, 21 Jan 2000 17:17:17 -0800 (PST)

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Hello all and thanks for the reply Amon,

a few questions please,

- when you create the security officer, dataprotect officer and tp managers,
must you put them in /home/<username>? when I created these accounts, i've
created their accounts off of "/"

- is there a webpage where i can view past submittal and replies to the
rsbac list?

- should i create the 'everyone' group with gid0?  i noticed that creating
another gid0 conflicted w/ the group named "root" which has gid0 already

- if i boot into a virgin kernel (w/o rsbac components), delete all security
accounts (secoff, dp officer, tp manager), delete all 'rsbac' folders,
create new uid400 and uid401, recompile the kernel w/ very minimal rsbac
components like ff,ms,auth,rc and acl- remake the admintools, then reboot-
will this mess things up?  or will i need to be lockedup in a looneybin
first?  all i want to do is start fresh again if possible....

thanks all!

ps- 'xcuse the email plug at the bottom...

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