Re: 1.0.9b-pre2 uploaded

From: Jesse Pollard <>
Subject: Re: 1.0.9b-pre2 uploaded
Date: Wed, 1 Mar 2000 21:36:46 -0600

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On Wed, 01 Mar 2000, A. Ott wrote:
>********* ***************** ********** ****  *****   ***** ************
>  To subject Re: 1.0.9b-pre2 uploaded
> (Jesse Pollard)  wrote:
>********** ******************** ******  ********  ******* *************
>> Hi
>> (A. Ott):
>> ...
>> >- If somebody of you has an SMP system, I would really appreciate feedback
>> >  and debugging help. RSBAC does not access data on unmounted filesystems,
>> >  so it should be safe to setup a test system on a separate partition.
>> Yes I do... And I've had some problems. First a URL reference to my (our)
>> system: (undergoing development). There
>> is a section at that
>> outlines the beginning of an approach to a very secured web server, but
>> without assuming a bug free web server...
>I just read your text. The MAC description is well done, and your setup  
>solution sounds very interesting. Would you mind my putting up a link from  

Thanks for the complement. I don't have a problem with the link, although
I do have to tell you I/we will be re-organizing that structure. One of the
things I want to do is:

	update the firewall so that I can use its' rules to redirect port
		80 to my server, port 81? (that is where I want the MAC support
		to protect the server. The firewall doesn't have the disk
		space - only has 540MB)
	update document tree to have a better top level introduction/policy
		and usage statement, allow my wife to be able to do publication
		of what she wants - put a photo gallery of our cats, ....

The security text will get expanded as exerience with RSBAC grows, and more
alternate structures/use is defined -
    How about putting samba in a level/compartment for Windows systems?
    How would the kernel mode nfs daemons react?
    How would the use of X windows be defined?

Lots of fun stuff..

The new disk drive just got installed, so I'll be able to partition it (most
of it for web/mailing list archives?/backup of the production boot/swap. The
current system disk will be repartitioned into a production boot/swap/test root.

This will give me the space needed.
Jesse I Pollard, II

Any opinions expressed are solely my own.
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