From: Amon Ott <>
Subject: RSBAC promotion
Date: Thu, 15 Mar 2001 14:22:40 +0100
Next Article (by Author): Re: rsbac-v1.1.1-pre6 kernel paging request Amon Ott
Previous Article (by Author): v1.1.1 release date before Cebit? Amon Ott
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Hello once again! As soon as version 1.1.1 comes out, I would like to get a lot more people interested. However, I need your help to get some things done: - Forward the official announcement to your local newsgroups, lists, Linux user group servers, magazines, ... - Write articles etc. for those, slashdot, ... - Make (well) documented benchmarks and post them here for inclusion on the Webserver - they provide several good arguments: - The system is there and running - It is running stable enough for long tests - The performance penalty is much lower than many people expect from an access control system (at least my benchmark told me so) - Provide references of RSBAC systems in production use, e.g. Webservers, file servers, firewalls, ... The references should include things like time of first installation/uptime, kernel and RSBAC versions, experiences on stability and performance, etc. Every single reference is another excellent argument to use RSBAC. - If you do not want to see you RSBAC production system announced in public, please consider providing a reference 'on request', so I can mail it confidentially to people asking. References really help. - Think about what else could be done to get RSBAC better known to the public and propose your thoughts to the list. Amon. - To unsubscribe from the rsbac list, send a mail to with unsubscribe rsbac as single line in the body.
Next Article (by Author): Re: rsbac-v1.1.1-pre6 kernel paging request Amon Ott
Previous Article (by Author): v1.1.1 release date before Cebit? Amon Ott
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