Re: Lists

From: Amon Ott <>
Subject: Re: Lists
Date: Tue, 20 Feb 2001 15:29:40 +0100

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On Die, 20 Feb 2001 Jörgen Sigvardsson wrote:
> If however you make the id on the following form: (int id_length, void* id) 
> then the id could be anything from integers to strings to structures. Now 
> that would be really neat.

No problem here. However, the whole key length will be used. If part of the key
is a union, it should be blanked before assigning values.

> But now that we're talking a keyed data structure, 
> a list could be a performance bottle neck - perhaps an AVL-tree or red-black 
> tree would be in order? 

In the beginning the REG lists should be rather simple. Later we can still add
hash functions, trees, ordering or whatever - as long as the interface does
not change, nobody will care.

How many items do you expect to store? I'd say, up to 100 or 200 per list,
performance is good enough. Also, the use of default values helps to keep the
lists smaller (like the General ACI). Maybe another ds function
> Also when it comes to serialization to disk, I would like some sort of custom 
> callback that performs the actual I/O. Perhaps a callback on the form:
> int callback(file* f, void* data, u_long curoffset, u_long* data_written) 
> Where the f is the opened ACI-file, curoffset is the file pointer (if I can 
> remember correctly, "kernel files" don't manage a file pointer). When the 
> callback is finished, it updates the *data_written with how many bytes was 
> actually written to disk. if any errors occur, an -Exxx code is returned or 0 
> for success. 

Persistent data will have to be treated in the next REG cycle. And the ds
mentioned above are meant for rather simple needs - you can still use your own
ds with all optimizations.

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