Future: RSBAC and LSM

From: Stanislav Ievlev <inger@altlinux.ru>
Subject: Future: RSBAC and LSM
Date: Thu, 30 Aug 2001 10:01:33 +0400

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Hello All!
I've just seen pre-patches for LSM. As I understand, RSBAC 1.1.2 will be 
ported to LSM.

One question:
RSBAC sometimes uses two ADF calls in syscalls: one for decision and one 
for notification (e.g. in sys_unlink)
But LSM already use only one LSM call.
How to solve it?

With best regards
Stanislav Ievlev

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Next Article (by Date): Future: RSBAC and Unix sockets Stanislav Ievlev
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