Re: rsbac-v1.1.2-pre9 uploaded

From: Stanislav Ievlev <>
Subject: Re: rsbac-v1.1.2-pre9 uploaded
Date: Mon, 30 Jul 2001 17:35:38 +0400

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Amon Ott wrote:

>Hi there!
>I made a new pre9
>- Compile problems for admin tools / rsu without pam fixed - rsu is now optional
>- New switch CONFIG_RSBAC_DEBUG - you can now turn debugging code off. It will
>not give you a significant speedup, but the kernel size goes down by several
>tenths of KB.
>Support for 2.4.7 will come this afternoon or Monday.
>SMP folks: how are pre8 and pre9 going? Pre9 would be a release candidate, if
>no problems were found.
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After first tests - initrd works well. Next tests coming soon.


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