general questions

From: Justus Pendleton <>
Subject: general questions
Date: Wed, 15 Aug 2001 00:06:34 -0400

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I downloaded the patch for 2.4.7 and ran make menuconfig but it there
was nothing to something wrong with the current patch?
When will a 2.4.8 patch be out?

I looked over the documentation and played around with the rsbac-admin
tools a little bit but couldn't find an answer to my next question...

Sometimes I need to know more than just the program name when deciding
upon permissions.  Is there any way to access other information about
the process and make that part of the criteria for a decision?  Like
program arguments, program's current working directory, time of
execution...things like that.  Is that possible somehow?

I was also looking at the malware scanner.  I think it is a pretty
nifty idea but I was thinking it would be even better if it could act
like tripwire.  Like generate a SHA-1 hash of the executable and then
check it against a database.  If the hash doesn't match the expected
result the kill the program and notify the user.  I'm not sure how
easy it would be to put SHA-1 in the kernel (well, pretty easy if you
have the international kernel patch, I guess) or how easy it would be
to have a decent database lookup in the kernel.

Anyway, RSBAC looks very cool and I look forward to getting it up and
running and seeing future development on it.

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