Re: The ultimate ACI-interface?

From: Amon Ott <>
Subject: Re: The ultimate ACI-interface?
Date: Wed, 25 Apr 2001 16:24:39 +0200

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On Die, 10 Apr 2001 Amon Ott wrote:
> New RSBAC memory management is finished, used by all parts and seems to be
> working fine. As soon as the new generic lists are working, I will put up a pre
> version.

Gereric lists have seen a lot of extension by now. 
> Later, there will probably also be generic lists-of-sets, like the sets in PM
> data structures. I plan to move PM to the new generic scheme as a good way of
> testing - and of reducing pm_data_structures.c. :)

Lists of lists have been implemented and PM has been ported, but only partly

pm_data_structures.c has been reduced from 314K to 98K with the same
functionality and interfaces, .o from 91K to 36K. The generic list
implementation is smaller than the gain even in PM only, so it is certainly
worth it.

However, there is no way of auto-updating an existing configuration, what
keeps me from porting ACL and AUTH, too. Maybe for 2.0...

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Previous Article (by Subject): Re: The ultimate ACI-interface? Amon Ott
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