Re: A little patch - init security level and MAC categories and a question

From: Amon Ott <>
Subject: Re: A little patch - init security level and MAC categories and a question
Date: Thu, 18 Jan 2001 17:35:41 +0100

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On Don, 18 Jan 2001 wrote:
> - The mknod trick works, thank you. I think using the 0:0 device as
> "default" to others not good idea. I must think it off, but you may want
> separate the devices: one person has rights to config the network cards,
> other has rights to mount proc etc. The best solution to this problem that
> you can assign rights to this devices "symbolic" names, but it not really
> nessessary:  while you don't change the boot sequence, the proc and the
> other device-less devices have always the same minor number. (But it makes
> your life easier if you can use symbolic names).

Well, the default is always overridden, if there is an explicit setting.

It would be possible to intergrate symbolic names, but we would have to make
sure they are always unique.
> - As it works and have enough time I will document how my sandbox works and
> how can you build one. I plan to finish with the draft version at the end
> of the next week. Where should I post it? To you or to the list? (And who
> will check my grammar? I think it is awfull ;) )

You will probably get more feedback from the list, but you can also send it to
me. I can do some language checking, but I am also not a native English speaker.

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