announce: kernel security BOF at USENIX

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Subject: announce: kernel security BOF at USENIX
Date: Tue, 8 May 2001 15:00:01 -0400

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        NAI Labs is sponsoring a Birds-Of-a-Feather (BOF) session at
the 2001 USENIX Annual Technical Conference to give members of the
Open Source kernel security community a chance to meet and discuss
ideas in person.  Crispin Cowan (WireX), Peter Loscocco (NSA), Amon
Ott (RSBAC) and Robert Watson (NAI Labs and the FreeBSD Project) have
kindly agreed to kick off the session with short presentations on
their work.  The remainder of the session will be a relatively
informal event; the specific issues addressed will be determined by
the participants.  The posted agenda is as follows:

    Representatives of several Linux and FreeBSD security projects
    will present their work and views on providing new support for
    kernel security extensions.  Presenters will include Crispin Cowan
    (WireX/Immunix), Peter Loscocco (NSA/SELinux), Amon Ott (RSBAC),
    and Robert Watson (NAI Labs/TrustedBSD).  A question and answer
    period will follow.  During this period, all participants will be
    free to introduce issues that they feel are of critical
    importance.  Likely topics of discussion include requirements for
    general policy support, the hook-based implementation efforts
    spawned by the 2001 Linux Kernel Summit, and the future of
    security in the FreeBSD and Linux kernels.

        This BOF should be one of several events of interest at the
2001 USENIX Annual Technical Conference.  There are five technical
sessions with "Security" in their titles.  In one of these sessions,
Stephen Smalley will be presenting a paper on the NSA's
Security-Enhanced Linux project, Robert Watson will be presenting a
paper on TrustedBSD, and I (Tim Fraser) will be presenting a paper on
LOMAC.  The conference is scheduled for 25-30 June 2001 in Boston,
Massachusetts, USA.  The BOF will be from 8PM to 10PM on Thursday, 28
June.  More details can be found at: 


                       - Tim Fraser, NAI Labs

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